American Association of School Administrators (AASA), Sharon Adams-Taylor
University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA), Dr. Michelle Young
Virginia Commonwealth Department of Education, Dr. Charol Shakeshaft
NEW ZEALAND: Dr. Rachel McNae, New Zealand, 2015, University of Waikato
GHANA: Dr. Joyce Wilson-Tagoe, Apam, 2013, University of Winneba
GREECE: Dr. Angeliki Lazairdou, Volos, 2011, University of Thessaly
GERMANY: Hildegard Macha, Augsburg, 2009, Augsburg University
ITALY: Dr. Helen Sobehart, Rome 2007, Duquesne University, Rome Campus
BRAZIL: State University of Rio de Janeiro, Dr. Rosangela Malachias, Professora Adjunta da UERJ-FEBF
ENGLAND: Dr. Kay Fuller, University of Nottingham, BELMAS Gender and Leadership Research Interest Group
Program Committee (WLE): Dr. Margaret Grogan, Dr. Emiola Oyefunga, Dr. Jennie Weiner
Program Committee (Philippines): Dr. Arcelia Rosario
Publications Committee:
Scholarship Committee: Dr. Monia Byrne-Jimenez, Dr. Sharon Adams-Taylor, Dr. Kerry Robinson
Registration Committee: Dr. Charol Shakeshaft, Katrina Struloeff
Website Committee: Dr. Charol Shakeshaft, Katrina Struloeff
Dr. Jennie Winer, Chair 2025
Dr. Charol Shakeshaft, Co-Chair since 2010
Dr. Whitney Sherman Newcomb, Co-Chair 2010 - 2015
Dr. Helen Sobehart, founding Chair 2007-2010
Dr. Rachel McNae, University of Waikato
Dr. Pontso Moorosi, University of Warwick
Dr. Saeeda Shah, University of Leicester
Dr. Victoria Showunmi, University College London and Maynooth University Dublin
Women Leading Education